switch { }

We have a solution for every case.


An overview of the services we offer.

Tools and Desktop Apps

We offer customised solutions for everyday office life. Do you constantly have repetitive tasks to do on the computer? We try to automate them with software developed individually for you. Do you want to get more out of your process and benefit from artificial intelligence? We can help you get started with machine learning using the latest technologies.

Websites and Web Apps

Do you need your own website? We will be happy to advise you and show you different ways to make it happen. Do you have special needs or do you need special functionalities? We build corresponding apps exactly according to your wishes.


We love computer games more than anything! Do you want your own game? We build it for you. Do you want to develop your own game? We advise and support you. With a lot of passion we dedicate ourselves to the development of your game idea.


An overview of our ongoing and completed projects.

ORCA - Oncological Reports Capturing Application

Web App

Document Archive

Web App

Autismus Wallis

Website Design

Game Dev

An overview some of our games we developed during game jams.



Duck Island


The Glitcher


Our Amazing Team

All contributors who work on our products.

Manuel Jordan

Co-Founder, Python/C# Developer

Manuel Geissberger

Co-Founder, Web Developer

coming soon...

Our Clients

All clients we have been able to help.

Contact Us
